Modeling Frac Hits: Mechanisms for Damage Versus Uplift

Parent/child interactions pose a critical challenge for oil and gas shale producers. The industry has progressed significantly in its understanding of causes and mitigation. However, important uncertainties remain. Fracture-driven interactions or more commonly, “frac hits”,

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A Three-Dimensional Reservoir, Wellbore, and Hydraulic Fracturing Simulator that is Compositional and Thermal, Tracks Proppant and Water Solute Transport, Includes Non-Darcy and Non-Newtonian Flow, and Handles Fracture Closure

Abstract We present a three-dimensional reservoir, wellbore, and hydraulic fracturing simulator with the following capabilities: (1) compositional fluid model, (2) multiphase flow, (3) thermal, (4) proppant transport with gravitational settling, bulk slurry gravitational convection, hindered

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