
Sama Morsy

Technical Team Lead

Sama Morsy is a Senior Reservoir and Completions Engineer at ResFrac, providing value to the energy industry by optimizing the development of fracturing and reservoir projects. She provides a unique combination of simulation and field trial experience from a variety of roles in research, asset development, and operations. Sama worked at Chevron for over 6 years as a reservoir and petroleum engineer, leading and completing performance improvement projects in the Permian Basin. Prior to chevron, Sama worked as instructor at Cairo University for five years teaching undergraduate petroleum engineering courses.

She earned a PhD from Texas Tech University in 2014 focusing on improving shale assets production by proposing different enhanced and improved oil recovery methods. Sama has a master’s degree from Cairo University in 2007 specialized in shaly sand petrophysics analysis, and in 2009 she took a second master’s degree from the University of Wyoming on waterflooding surveillance analysis. She attended Cairo University where she completed her bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering in 2004.

She resides in Houston, Texas with her husband and son. She is passionate about cooking and writing. Sama received several awards along her career including the prestigious Fulbright award in 2011 and exceptional achievement awards during her career at Chevron.

Sama published more than 25 peer review and SPE papers and filed for four pending patents to optimize shale well development. Her professional publications include:

  • SPE 200775 paper, 2021, Unconventional Optimized Development Strategy Workflow
  • SPE-195331-MS, 2019, Identification of the Decline in Well Productivity Index due to Wellbore Damage through the Removal of Fluid and Formation Effects
  • SPE-175012-PA, 2018, Determination of In-Situ Reservoir Absolute Permeability Under Multiphase-Flow Conditions Using Transient Well Testing
  • International Journal of Petroleum Engineering, 2016, Effects of salinity and alkaline concentration on the spontaneous imbibition behavior and rock properties of some shale rocks
  • Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources, 2015, Effect of low-concentration HCl on the mineralogy, physical and mechanical properties, and recovery factors of some shales
  • Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2014, Effect of Water Salinity on Shale Reservoir Productivity
  • 169141-MS, 2014, Enhancing Well Stimulation with Improved Salt Tolerant Surfactant for Bakken Formation
  • SPE-169034-MS, 2014, Imbibition Characteristics of Marcellus Shale Formation
  • SPE-168984-MS, 2014, Imbibition Characteristics of the Barnett Shale Formation
  • SPE-168985-MS, 2014, Improvement of Eagle Ford Shale Formations Water Imbibition by Mineral Dissolution and Wettability Alteration
  • Journal of Petroleum & Environmental Biotechnology,2014, Matrix acidizing characteristics in shale formations
  • SPE-168180-MS, 2014, Optimizing Surfactant Additives for Enhanced Well Stimulation in Bakken Formation
  • SPE-169519-MS, 2014, Surfactant Preflood to Improve Waterflooding Performance in Shale Formations
  • SPE-167568-MS, 2013, Impact of Matrix Acidizing on Shale Formations
  • SPE-165450-MS, 2013, Potential of Combining Propane (LPG) Hydraulic Fracturing and Chemical Flooding in Thin Heavy Oil Reservoirs
  • SPE-166403-MS, 2013, Potential of Improved Waterflooding in Acid-Hydraulically- Fractured Shale Formations
  • SPE-167056-MS, 2013, Waterflooding in the Eagle Ford ShaleFormation: Experimental and Simulation Study

Sama's posts

Digesting the Bonkers, Incredible, Off-the-Charts, Spectacular Results from the Fervo and FORGE Enhanced Geothermal Projects

I’m out of superlatives – I used them all up in the title. But seriously – Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) projects have had a really, really good summer. In this article, I summarize the results that have been recently presented by Fervo and FORGE. At their annual Tech Day and in a white paper posted this week (Norbeck et al., 2024), Fervo Energy provided their first update on Project Cape, a Utah project where they are developing 400 MWe of new production over the next two years. So far, fourteen wells have been drilled, and three of them have been stimulated.

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What ‘company culture’ means to us

We recently held our annual company retreat. This is an important event because we are a fully remote company, and it gives us the chance to get together in-person and spend quality time. This year, we did the retreat in Houston, following URTeC and our annual symposium. We visited Space Center Houston, went to an Astros game, and ate BBQ and Tex-Mex. As a Houston native, I picked some of my favorite things to do in town! We also held a meeting on ‘company culture.’ I asked the group – how do you perceive our company culture? What do we do well, and what could we do better? Here are the highlights.

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